Knowing His Calling Of You


The Kingdom is advancing. There is forward movement taking place.

All over the world, people are coming to Christ by the tens of thousands.

I believe the enemy wants to do whatever He can to stop this forward movement.

One of his strategies is that He tries to make us doubt the thing that God has already spoken about us - our calling.

This is why we need to be sure of His calling of us.

The sad truth is, we as people are often prone to doubt our gifts and callings.

Many times, this is because we feel our failures disqualify us, or maybe we are comparing ourselves to another persons’ gift. There could be a wide variety of reasons.

But I promise you... God didn’t make a mistake when He called you!

He certainly won't take back a gift

The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

Romans 11:29

Another translation of that says the gifts and callings are “without repentance”.

That means that God will not change His mind about a gift He has given you.

When you walk in the call of God, you walk in His strength and not yours.

There is a great confidence that comes in knowing you are walking in your father’s strength.

Our confidence needs to be in Him, not in anything else.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choice of you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble

2 Peter 1:10

Ask the Lord this: “What have you said about me? And who am I in the Kingdom?”

Receive the truth He has spoken about you, and celebrate the gift that He has put in you.

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